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Extreme Networks Enterasys SSA180 Layer 3 Switch - 48 Ports - Manageable - 4 x Expansion Slots - 10/100/1000Base-TX, 10GBase-X, 40GBase-X - Uplink Port - 48 x Network, 4 x Expansion Slot - Twisted
  • Extreme Networks Enterasys SSA180 Layer 3 Switch - 48 Ports - Manageable - 4 x Expansion Slots - 10/100/1000Base-TX, 10GBase-X, 40GBase-X - Uplink Port - 48 x Network, 4 x Expansion Slot - Twisted

Extreme Networks Enterasys SSA180 Layer 3 Switch - 48 Ports - Manageable - 4 x Expansion Slots - 10/100/1000Base-TX, 10GBase-X, 40GBase-X - Uplink Port - 48 x Network, 4 x Expansion Slot - Twisted

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방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 성동구 천호대로 448 (대신빌딩) 301-2호
Extreme Networks
Extreme Networks


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Enterasys SSA180 Layer 3 Switch - 48 Ports - Manageable - 4 x Expansion Slots - 10/100/1000Base-TX, 10GBase-X, 40GBase-X - Uplink Port - 48 x Network, 4 x Expansion Slot - Twisted Pair, Optical Fiber - Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 40 Gigabi SSA-T8028-0652

Manufacturer Part Number: SSA-T8028-0652
Full Product SpecificationsNote:The full product specifications below are fro. the manufacturer and may contain information related to other package quantities that will not apply to the product that you are reviewing. Please confirm the actual content and/or package quantity fro. the main product specifications page.These specifications may represent the entire product series/model/line to which this product belongs with specific configuration differences between the individual products stated.These specifications may have been copied fro. the same product in other region/country in which case there might be minor differences in region-specific data such as Input Voltage, Terms of Warranty etc.

SSA Performance and Port Density
Part Number:SSA-G8018-0652 Port Type: SFP Port Quantity: 48 Port Speed: 10/100/1000Gbps Uplink Type: SFP+ Uplink Port Quantity: 4 Uplink Speed: 10Gb Switching Capacity: 120Gbs Switching Throughput: 90Mpps Airflow: Front to BackSSA S180 (S-Series Standalone)
4.37 cm x 44.73 cm x 57.30 cm (1.72 x 17.61 x 22.55) 1UEnvironmental
Operating Temperature: 5 C to 40 C (41 F to 104 F) Storage Temperature: -30 C to 73 C (-22 F to 164 F): 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
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이미지 확대보기Extreme Networks Enterasys SSA180 Layer 3 Switch - 48 Ports - Manageable - 4 x Expansion Slots - 10/100/1000Base-TX, 10GBase-X, 40GBase-X - Uplink Port - 48 x Network, 4 x Expansion Slot - Twisted

Extreme Networks Enterasys SSA180 Layer 3 Switch - 48 Ports - Manageable - 4 x Expansion Slots - 10/100/1000Base-TX, 10GBase-X, 40GBase-X - Uplink Port - 48 x Network, 4 x Expansion Slot - Twisted
  • Extreme Networks Enterasys SSA180 Layer 3 Switch - 48 Ports - Manageable - 4 x Expansion Slots - 10/100/1000Base-TX, 10GBase-X, 40GBase-X - Uplink Port - 48 x Network, 4 x Expansion Slot - Twisted

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